There's a lot of crappy food out there. But we don't want you to eat junk! We want you to eat great tasting, simple, clean, REAL food. Nielsen Pecan Butter is the real deal. Pecans, salt, cinammon, vanilla and honey. That's it. And pecans are a great source of energy to get you through your day! We slap this stuff on our sammiches with some real fruit jam, we throw it into our protein shakes, we eat it by the spoonful.... There are a ton of ways to use our nut butters. Show us how you enjoy it. VERY SIMPLE. REALLY GOOD.
Free Delivery
Delivery is on us for all orders over $49.00
American Diabetes Foundation
As parents of a type 1 diabetic, we understand the challenges of finding low carb, healthy foods for your family. A portion of our profits will be donated to the Diabetes Foundation that promotes finding a cure for this disease.
We're pretty sure you'll love our nut butter, BUT
If you don't, send back the unused portion with a note letting us know why. and we'll refund your money.